Thursday, September 10, 2009

Origins of Slavery

Dear History Lovers,

Topic: Origins and Racial causes of Slavery

The 17th century marked the beginning of African slavery in the new world. African Tribes that sold enemy tribes into European export to the present-day United States. For decades historians have debated the white purpose and need for slavery. The whites saw blacks as non-human beings that can be owned and taken for granted. However, slavery didn’t always start off harsh. During the early years of African slavery it was possible for slaves to work for a number a years and eventually be set free, but as time went on the European colonists made slavery a lifelong process that a slave cannot legally escape from. Slaves eventually became a part of American life, after America was established in 1776. More and more farmers, especially in the south, own slave to work plantations and farms. In New England however slaves were less common because of focus on trade and industrialism. Racism plays a huge factor in the expansion of slavery. It wasn’t until the Civil War the slavery was abolished, and even after blacks and other ethnic back rounds were not treated equally. The cruel act of slavery took place in America for several years only grew as racism grew in America.


HB Girl<3

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