Friday, October 23, 2009

The United Nations and North Korea

Millions of people starve each day in North Korea, and the United Nations in taking action in aiding these hungry people. Almost 40 percent of the country's population is starving. A U.N Ambassador, Vitit Muntarbhorn, reports "the country is not poor, and yet the money is not spent on the people. One must ask themselves why a country that has enough money does not support the people living in it. The United Nations describes the North Korean government as one of the most restricted governments in the world, cell phone have even been made illegal.

In my opinion, I think that what the United Nations is doing is great. Feeding the hungry and giving the hopeless people hope is a very kind thing to do. However, North Korea is a stain on the world that needs to be washed out. People are people, men are men. No person should be hungry when the native country they live in have more than enough money to be spent on the well being of the people. WE MUST GET RID OF THE STAIN!!!!!!!

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  1. I agree that it it is terrible for people in North Korea. Food is the most important thing to have and to not have a sufficient amount affects everything you do. I would not want to live in North Korea.

  2. I agree with you, the way the government,in North Korea, treats it people is terrible. It should feed it's hungry before doing anything else.
