Sunday, December 6, 2009

A student finds a letter linked to Thomas Jefferson

Amanda Daddona, a student at the University of Delaware, found a direct letter from Thomas Jefferson tucked in a box in the university library. The first thing that Daddona noticed about the letter was the signature. Getting her master's degree in American History Daddona recognized Jefferson's signature. She also found letters linking to the Bringhurst family, one of Delaware's elite families during the 18th century. In the letter Jefferson appeared to be writing a letter as a tribute to Dickinson. Jefferson calls Dickinson, "One of the men that founded our great nation." Amanda Daddona's last statement was "to hold it in your hand is really quite thrilling."

I think It would be really interesting to come across something with such great historic value. It would be a lost treasure that has been lost for a couple centuries. To think that this letter is older then my grandparents is quite amazing. How many people can say that they held something that Thomas Jefferson held? Not very many in this day in age.

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