Thursday, March 4, 2010

Atomic Bomb

President Harry Truman's decision to drop an Atomic Bomb(s) over Japan has been a very controversial issues throughout history. The Bombs dropped in two of Japan's cities incinerated the thousands of people and created ultimate disaster. Truman's reasoning to drop the bombs were that the war needed to end with Japan, and the only way he saw it coming to a fast end was to drop the deviating bomb. However, dropping such a disaster and causing such turmoil rilled up Russia. It was immediately after this event that the nuclear arms race began between the United States and Russia.

In my opinion Truman's choice to drop the atomic bomb was cruel and vindictive. Japan was only days away from surrendering. Despite the Pearl Harbor events, the United States was not rightful for destroying the lives of thousands of people, some including American. Over all Truman's decision to drop the Atomic Bombs was wrong in my opinion.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alyssa, its tragic that so many Japanese lost their lives because of the Atomic bombs, but as President of the United States you have the responsibility to do what's best America first, and other countries second. America couldnt risk a Japanese victory (even though it was unlikely). The purpose of war is to win and do it as quickly as possible, not worry about the opposition.
