Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Watergate

The Watergate is by far one of the most controversial and debatable issues in American history. Despite the fact that many details were hidden from the public, people developed their own ideas surround the scandal of the break in into the Democratic Headquarters committed by members of CREEP. The rumors surrounding the event all have one common detail, President Richard Nixon. Nixion was afraid of being beaten out in the upcoming election in 1972. Although there is no real eveidence that Nixion was directly involved, many of the theories and questions do point to the involvement of Nixion. In order to keep the presidency Nixion could have taken part in planning the break in. In my opinion Nixion was involved in the scandal. Was it wrong? Yes, on all levels. Was it necessary? Could be. However politicians take risks every day. The public doesn't know every aspect on what goes behind closed doors, and the Watergate Scandal is a prime example.

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