Sunday, December 6, 2009

A student finds a letter linked to Thomas Jefferson

Amanda Daddona, a student at the University of Delaware, found a direct letter from Thomas Jefferson tucked in a box in the university library. The first thing that Daddona noticed about the letter was the signature. Getting her master's degree in American History Daddona recognized Jefferson's signature. She also found letters linking to the Bringhurst family, one of Delaware's elite families during the 18th century. In the letter Jefferson appeared to be writing a letter as a tribute to Dickinson. Jefferson calls Dickinson, "One of the men that founded our great nation." Amanda Daddona's last statement was "to hold it in your hand is really quite thrilling."

I think It would be really interesting to come across something with such great historic value. It would be a lost treasure that has been lost for a couple centuries. To think that this letter is older then my grandparents is quite amazing. How many people can say that they held something that Thomas Jefferson held? Not very many in this day in age.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Greetings History lovers,

According to During a visit to Afghanistan, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton says that she is pleased with the President Hamid Karzai's plans for security forces in the next few years to come. Clinton spoke to U.S and allied troops taking part in the Afghan war on terror about the war. In regards to the war she stated, "everything we can to create the capacity of the Afghan government and the Afghan people to protect themselves." Late last week Hillary Clinton attended the inauguration of Karzai, where he vowed to protect the people of Afghanistan, stop drug trafficking, and attack other issues facing Afghanistan. In the closing of his speech, the new President states that "this is the turning point in Afghanistan.

This is a new beginning for the Afghan people.


Friday, October 23, 2009

The United Nations and North Korea

Millions of people starve each day in North Korea, and the United Nations in taking action in aiding these hungry people. Almost 40 percent of the country's population is starving. A U.N Ambassador, Vitit Muntarbhorn, reports "the country is not poor, and yet the money is not spent on the people. One must ask themselves why a country that has enough money does not support the people living in it. The United Nations describes the North Korean government as one of the most restricted governments in the world, cell phone have even been made illegal.

In my opinion, I think that what the United Nations is doing is great. Feeding the hungry and giving the hopeless people hope is a very kind thing to do. However, North Korea is a stain on the world that needs to be washed out. People are people, men are men. No person should be hungry when the native country they live in have more than enough money to be spent on the well being of the people. WE MUST GET RID OF THE STAIN!!!!!!!

Found on:

Friday, September 25, 2009

American Revolution

The American Revolution was a war full of economic distress and prosperity. In my opinion, the war was a major economic downer for both England and America. America declaring economic war on Great Britain, the American stopped importing and exporting goods from Great Britain. However, economic trade with other European countries such as France enabled the Americas to have a steady flow of exports and imports of trade. Historians debate that the American Revolution for crisis but in my opinion the American Revolution boosted America and Great Britain's economy by having to turn to other means and still be able to fight a war. The war overall helped both economies flourish from the tea being dumped over the harbor, to a hold on all trade.

HB Girl :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Origins of Slavery

Dear History Lovers,

Topic: Origins and Racial causes of Slavery

The 17th century marked the beginning of African slavery in the new world. African Tribes that sold enemy tribes into European export to the present-day United States. For decades historians have debated the white purpose and need for slavery. The whites saw blacks as non-human beings that can be owned and taken for granted. However, slavery didn’t always start off harsh. During the early years of African slavery it was possible for slaves to work for a number a years and eventually be set free, but as time went on the European colonists made slavery a lifelong process that a slave cannot legally escape from. Slaves eventually became a part of American life, after America was established in 1776. More and more farmers, especially in the south, own slave to work plantations and farms. In New England however slaves were less common because of focus on trade and industrialism. Racism plays a huge factor in the expansion of slavery. It wasn’t until the Civil War the slavery was abolished, and even after blacks and other ethnic back rounds were not treated equally. The cruel act of slavery took place in America for several years only grew as racism grew in America.


HB Girl<3

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Native American population before and after the Columbian Era

Before Christopher Columbus’ first expedition landed on the shores of an island south of present day United States the Native American population was thriving. Tribes of all beliefs and customs were scattered across North, Central, and South America expanding and creating technology. In the article “The American Population before Columbus “historians, ethnologist, anthropologists and ethnographers debate the population decrees of the native tribes before the European’s arrival. An opinion stated in the text as a reason to the Native’s demise was merely being conquered by the newly settled Europeans. Evidence that upholds this argument is that the Europeans came into the picture with armor, guns, and other means of fighting in that era, and the Native people contained no technology of that sort. Another opinion that was gathered from the text was the vast spread of dieses. The Europeans had just arrived in America only years after a deathly plague seized the lives of many Europeans. Little did the new settlers know, most still contained a strain of the plague that no longer could affect them but could affect the Natives they were encountering with. In result to the sickness being spread many Natives died because there was no form of treating the illness that had taken over their bodies.

In my opinion, the main cause of the Native demise was dieses. Such a massacre taking millions of people’s lives in that amount of time is very hard to comprehend, because of the Native tribes being spread out all over the Western Hemisphere.

I would like to know your thoughts regarding this issue. Comments and feedback are greatly appreciated!

Ta-Ta for now!


hb(history blogger) girl<3

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HB girl<3